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High-quality shocks help to smooth out your ride

Your car's suspension is put under a lot of stress and strain each time that you head out on the road, so it isn't surprising that over time parts can become damaged or worn. Each time you drive over an uneven surface or change speed or direction, the springs in your suspension compress to handle the extra impact. Your shock absorbers, in turn, control how much your vehicle bounces when the springs rebound by absorbing and dissipating this energy. Worn or damaged shocks not only result in a rough ride, but also put extra strain on other suspension components.

A certified mechanic can examine your shocks when you're getting your oil changed and oil filter replaced, but there are also several signs that you can watch for that may indicate it's time for new shocks. Shocks usually wear out slowly, resulting in a gradually looser, bouncier ride. If your car leans too much when steering through turns or the front end dives sharply when you brake, it may be time to have your shocks tested.

When it's time to choose replacement shocks, look to Kmart. You can restore your original ride by replacing the old shocks with the exact same model, or upgrade the shock for a firmer ride, additional control or increased steering response. Whether you're upgrading your car's performance with new shocks or giving it a brand new look with exterior accessories, you can find a wide selection of automotive parts at Kmart.