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Quench your thirst with beverages from Kmart

Beverages come in all different flavors, from sweet-tasting sodas to bitter coffees and everything in between. Whether you're looking for bottled water for the car, powdered drink mixes for the kids or fruit juice for breakfast, you'll want to stock up so you're never left without the drink you want. Luckily, most bottled drinks have a long shelf-life so you don't have to worry about expiration dates. Here at Kmart you can find a wide variety of drinks suited to the office, the gym and more.

Soda pop is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and for good reason: it's delicious. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are two favorites you're sure to love. Their sweet taste and refreshing carbonation goes great with everything from pizza to deli sandwiches. Get a large two-liter bottle to share with everyone at the table, or take a trip down memory lane with a classic glass bottle all for yourself. Go with the classic versions or try one of their newer flavors, such as cherry coke.

If you're an athlete, you'll want to look for a beverage that helps fuel your workouts. Look for Gatorade drinks for hydration and electrolytes you need to help keep up your energy during a grueling practice session. Gatorade comes in a plethora of flavors, from strawberry and orange to glacier freeze. Other healthy choices are available from Smart Sense, such as green tea, grape juice and apple juice. Together with the right breakfast foods, these fruit drinks give you a smart way to start the day.

If you need something a little stronger to get going in the morning, consider a delicious coffee drink from Folgers or Starbucks Coffee. These coffee giants offer a wide range of different flavors of ground coffee, from classic French and Italian roasts to indulgent caramel and chocolate truffle flavored coffees. You can also find instant coffee and frapuccino drinks that are great anytime you're in a hurry; bring one with you to work, school or just the laundry room.

Get the soda, fruit drinks, coffee drinks and more you need to quench any thirst. Stocking up on drinks that don't expire is a great idea because it gives you a good variety to choose from whenever you feel a little parched. Whether you're looking for tea to unwind at night or milk to wash down cookies, you'll find a wide variety of beverages here at Kmart to ensure you're never left with an empty cup.