Marine Batteries 5 results

Replace marine batteries for a burst of power

Keep your boat running like a dream with new marine batteries. Kmart offers a wide selection of boat batteries from top brands to fit nearly any kind of boat. Choose from a variety of sizes and types of batteries including starting, deep cycle and hybrid batteries. Maintain and replace batteries regularly so you can stay out on the water all season long.

Replace the batteries in all your marine vehicles whenever necessary to keep their motors running smoothly. When your boat battery begins to expire, it may require more frequent charging, and your engine may struggle to start up on the first few tries. When your battery grows old, be sure to replace it before it dies to avoid being stuck at the dock or even stranded out on the open water. You should always keep a supply of installation tools and accessories on board just in case you need to change the battery when you’re away from the dock.

Make sure to keep all the boating necessities on board, like emergency kits, fishing gear, boat seats, inner tubes, fuel tanks, safety equipment and cool drinks. Get ready to explore the open water with the power of new marine batteries from Kmart.