Vacuum Sealers 500+ results
Store food more efficiently with vacuum sealers
Thaw or reheat meals packaged with vacuum sealers in the microwave. Vacuum sealer bags and rolls from Kmart are microwave safe, so you don’t have to remove food from the bags before reheating. Warm up vacuum sealed meats directly on the stove by boiling the whole package in hot water. Vacuum sealing makes thawing or reheating stored food simple.
Vacuum sealed meals pack nicely into lunch boxes. Imagine how much easier it could be to pack lunches when food is sealed into compact, airtight bags. Stop carrying bulky containers to work or worrying about spills at school. You can even increase the types of meals that can be easily packed in with a vacuum sealer.
For those who hunt or fish, vacuum sealing helps to store large quantities of fish or meat. Seal choice cuts while they are fresh and store them in the freezer. Vacuum sealer bags don’t waste space with extra air. They are also resistant to freezer burn, which keeps food tasting the way it should.
Keep the foods you love fresher longer and make packing or reheating meals simpler with a vacuum sealer from Kmart.