Chalk & Marking Tools 382 results

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Keep your lines straight with chalk marking tools for any project

Construction and woodworking projects alike require precision and accurate angles. When you need to mark an accurate line with ease, chalk marking tools are just right for the job.

Chalk is a temporary way of marking lines for flooring, walls and other construction installation needs. In addition, smaller chalk tools can help you leave temporary marks for small woodworking projects and even household tasks like hanging picture frames. With the right tools and supplies, you can easily get the job done right the first time. Shop a wide variety of marking tools, guides, sandpaper and accessories that will ensure precision measurement, cutting, assembly and more for any project start to finish.

A chalk wheel is one of the easiest marking tools to use. Chalk wheels are essentially small devices that hold a reel of chalk line. Powdered chalk is poured into the device to coat the entire line easily. Be sure to stock up on extra line and powder so you always have plenty of supplies on hand. You may also want clips or clamps to secure the ends of your line to some kinds of project surfaces. Whether you’re using your chalk lines to plan out cuts with a lathe or to make sure your floor tiles will be set straight, it’s important to get that line right the first time using a high quality wheel that resists tangles.

For smaller projects, you may want something a little less involved to mark your cuts. While a reel is great for ensuring large level surfaces, it's not as useful for when you simply want to hang a shelf. Keep some spare chalk pencils stored with your set of drill bits for an easy and simple marking solution that will give you the visibility you need without leaving permanent marks on your paint or wood surfaces. Simply mark with the chalk and then wipe away any excess after the hole is drilled. With easy clean-up, this is a great way to mark anything from woodshop to mending projects.

Kmart can help you build up your supply of workshop basics for less. At great prices that won't break the bank, our tools are the perfect addition to any collection.