Beach Towels 70 results

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Find stylish beach towels from Kmart to keep you dry

No trip to the beach is complete without a colorful beach towel. Roll up your lightweight towel inside your bag for compact storage, and when you arrive at the beach, unfurl it onto the sand. You'll have enough room to lie out and stretch while enjoying the sunshine. Whether you hit the pool or visit the ocean, a beach towel from Kmart will keep you completely comfortable.

After a swim in the ocean, a beach towel will dry you off in minutes. These cotton towels wick away moisture with tiny, absorbent loops. Your oversized towel also makes a quick and easy cover-up when you are walking to the changing rooms. You'll keep your privacy while shrouded by plush comfort.

If you prefer to relax on the shore with a good book, you can place an oversized towel under your outdoor umbrella. You'll stay clean and cozy in the sand while enjoying the ocean breeze. When you get home, simply pop your towel in the washing machine and start preparing for your next adventure.

You can find standard and oversized beach towels in your favorite colors and designs to express your personal style. Pack a cozy and stylish towel from Kmart with your swimming gear and enjoy the waves all day long.