Air Fresheners 84 results

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Keep your home smelling great with air fresheners from Kmart

These days, it's easier than ever to keep your home smelling fresh and clean. Air fresheners come in a variety of types, from candles to sprays to electronic plug-ins. Eliminate those nasty smells from tobacco, pets and garbage, and replace them with more pleasant scents like citrus, raspberry and peach. Look for odor-blasters from trusted brands like Air Wick, Oust and Bright to keep your place smelling great.

Candles give you an evocative way to freshen up a room. You can find odor-eliminating candles from Febreze that come in different scents like apple, vanilla and rain that are perfect for a romantic dinner. If candles aren't your thing, consider an electric air freshener such as a Glade plug-in. The great thing about these devices is that all you have to do is plug them in and let them work their magic. Plug-in air fresheners make great pet supplies; just keep one near your pet's bed and it will help keep the area smelling fresh and clean.

Sanitizing sprays are a convenient way to clear up unpleasant odors. All it takes is a spritz to cover up offensive smells and leave behind a fresh scent like linen, chamomile or lavender. You can keep these handy bottles all throughout the house to make sure you're always ready when a funky smell creeps up. If you or someone in your house smokes cigarettes, disinfectant sprays are essential for eliminating the smell of tobacco smoke. Look for scented air sanitizing sprays from Airwick, Lysol and more.

Air fresheners that come in solid or gel form are particularly versatile. You can set one of these air fresheners anywhere you want, such as in the bathroom, the kitchen or the living room. New parents might want to put a gel air freshener near their infant's changing table, while bird owners should try putting one next to their bird supplies to cover up the scent of feathers and birdseed. Several well-known brands offer gel air fresheners, including Citrus Magic, Smart Sense and Renuzit.

Whether it's a plumbing issue in the bathroom, spoiled food in the kitchen or an accident in the baby's nursery, offensive odors can pop up everywhere. A bad-smelling home can make you feel uncomfortable and leave a negative impression on guests. Luckily, warding off unpleasant scents is easy with the right air fresheners; all you have to do is light a candle, use a spray or just open up a gel-based odor absorber. Here at Kmart you can choose from a wide variety of air fresheners, so stock up to keep your home smelling great.